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 Defibrilator ME PAD plno-aický
 Defibrilator ME PAD plno-aický Defibrilator ME PAD plno-aický

Defibrilator ME PAD plno-aický

The ME PAD is a fully-aic layman defibrillator to help during sudden cardiac death. Quickly applied ME PAD fully-aic saves lifes.

Cena vrátane 20% DPH
ušetríte: 14540 € (9%)
pôvodná cena: 169540

The ME PAD is a fully-aic layman defibrillator to help during sudden cardiac death. Quickly applied ME PAD fully-aic saves lifes.

Technické špecifikácie

  • Nahrávanie až 5 operácií počas 3 hodín každé na internú SD kartu
  • Vrátane doštičky pre dospelých (skladnosť do 30 mesiacov)
  • Vrátane lítiovej batérie (skladnosť až 5 rokov)
  • Spĺňa vojenské štandardy MIL-STD-810G
  • Automatické nastavenie hlasitosti vzhľadom k okolitému hluku
  • Núdzová zmena pre pediatrické použitie (pod 25 kg) bez toho aby sa zmenili doštičky.
Ak máte záujem priamo o pediatrické doštičky, zažiadajte si o ne v poznámke pri objednávke.
Jazyky: Angličtina, Poľština, Gréčtina, Francúzština, Nórsky, Dánsky, Holandský, Taliančina, Portugalčina, Španielčina, Nemčina, Švédčina, Hebrejčina

  • Výstupná energia pre dospelých - 150 joulov na 50 Ω
  • Detská - 50 joulov na 50 Ω (bežné použitie)
  • Doba nabíjania menej ako 8 sekúnd

  • Frekvenčný rozsah 1 Hz až 30 Hz
  • Vlnový rozsah 25 Ω až 175 Ω (šok nebude doručený, ak odpor pacienta presahuje tento rozsah)
  • spĺňa ANSI / AAMI DF80 pokyny

Prehrávanie hlasových pokynov. CU-SP1 analyzuje okolitý hluk počas čistiacich operácií. Ak hladina akustického tlaku je vysoká, aicky zvyšuje hlasitosť hlasových pokynov, takže môžete počuť jasne.
Teplotné rozsahy
Prevádzková: 0 ° ~ 43 ° C
Skladovanie: -20 ° ~ 60 ° C

Technické špecifikácie

ME PAD fully-aic can be used at any place. The user gets all the necessary assistance as a voice instruction whereas voice volume is aically adjusted to the ambient noise.
Up to five operations of three hours of duration can be recorded on the internal SD memory card. At any time all the important data such as heart rhythm, energy output, time, etc. are available for the post-analysis.
In addition to the aic power switch while using children pads, the output can be lowered manually. Thus children can be treated in emergency cases even if pediatric electrodes are not available. In daily, weekly and monthly intervals a test program is performed. All functions including battery performance and durability of the electrodes are aically checked. An alarm will be given in case of errors. The software of ME PAD is programmed according to the current guidelines of the ERC.
The user is instructed through the entire resuscitation.
The long-life Li-ion battery guarantees a standby time of up to five years or up to 200 shocks at full power.

Technické špecifikácie

Output Energy Adult - 150 Joule at 50 Ω

Pediatric - 50 Joule at 50 Ω (common usage)

Charging Time less than 8 seconds

Charging Time after CPR


at least 8 seconds

Waveform E-cube two-phase (truncated expotential type)


Acquired ECG Lead Lead II

Frequency Response 1 Hz to 30 Hz

Impendance Range

25 Ω to 175 Ω

(shock will not be delivered if the patient’s

impedance is beyond this range)

Shockable Rhythms Ventricular Fibrillation or Fast Ventricular


Sensitivity and


meets ANSI/AAMI DF80 guidelines

Operational Guidance

Control Devices Power Button, i-Button, Shock Button (only ME

PAD semi), Adult/Pediatric Selection Switch

Status LCD Displays device status, battery level and pads


Speaker Plays back voice instructions. The CU-SP1

analyzes the ambient noise level during a

treatment operation. If ambient noise level is

high, it aically increases the voice

instructions volume so that you can hear them


Self-Diagnostic Test

Auto Power On Self-Test, Run-time Self-Test

Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Self-Test


Battery Pack Insertion Test (done when the user

inserts the battery pack into

the battery pack compartment of the device)

Disposable Battery Pack

Battery Type 12V DC, 4.2Ah LiMnO2, Disposable: Long-life


At least 200 shocks for a new battery

or 8 hours of operating time at room


Standby Life

(After inserting battery)

At least 5 years from the date of manufacture if

stored and maintained in accordance with the

instructions in this document.

Temperature Ranges

Operating: 0° ~ 43° C

Storage: -20° ~ 60° C


Adult Defibrillation Pads

Electrode Area: 120 cm²

Cable Length: Total 120 cm (Inside the pouch:

95 cm, Outside the pouch: 25 cm)

Shelf life: Up to 30 months from the date of


Pediatric Defibrillation


Electrode Area: 46,43 cm²

Cable Length: Total 120 cm (Inside the pouch: 80 cm, Outside the pouch: 40 cm)

Shelf life: Up to 24 months from the date of manufacture
Internal Memory Data

Capacity 5 individual treatments, up to 3 hours per treatment

SD Card

External memory. Data may be copied from the

internal memory to the SD Card

IrDA For PC communications


Sealing meets DIN EN 60529: IP55

ESD meets EN 61000-4-2:2001

EMI (Radiated) meets EN 60601-1-2 limits, method EN

55011:2007 + A2:2007, Group 1, Class B

EMI (Immunity)

meets IEC 60601-1-2 limits, method EN 61000-

4-3:2006 +A1:2008 Level 3

(10V/m 80MHz to 2500MHz)

Vibration Operating: Meets MIL-STD-810G Fig.514.6E-1,


Standby: Meets MIL-STD-810G Fig.514.6E-2,

swept sine(helicopter)

Altitude 0 to 15,000 feet (operational and storage)

Drop withstands 1.2-meter drop to any edge, corner,

or surface



Operation: 0° ~ 43° C, 5% ~ 95% (non


Standby: 0° ~ 43° C, 5% ~ 95% (non


Transport: -20° ~ 60° C, 5% ~ 95% (non

condensing), device only

Languages German, English, French, Danish, Spanish,

Norwegian, Italian, Czech, Portuguese, Greek,

Swedish, Dutch, Polish, Lithuanian

More languages are planned

Dimensions 260 x 256 x 69,5 mm (WxLxH)

Weight 2,4 kg including battery pack & pads